20:10:2024 Just a reminder - The Memorial for Jan Leiseboer will be held at Neerlandia this Sunday at 2.00pm presented by the Dutch Societies of NSW Incorporated.
Previously known as the Dutch Federation. The Dutch Club will close at 2.00pm, however if members would like to remain for the function all the better. Jan was also a member of Neerlandia for many years before he passed away but also the Secretary of the Dutch Federation for many good years.
We will be having a delivery this Thursday afternoon from Smithfield, hopefully everything we ordered will be delivered and I will soon know if we have been charged for delivery. Just came back from the club there were 12 items we ordered not received; however, the person who ordered the Purol hand cream tin you are in luck. Fresh rookworst will be delivered this evening. Unfortunately Paling is currently unavailable.
So for lunch it may be rookworst on a roll plus our delicious croquettes, bitterballen & frikadelle.
Another reminder our AGM will be held at the Dutch Club Neerlandia on Saturday the 26th October 2024 at 2pm. By now most of you would have received the magazine and for those not being able to read the small print in the accountants' part we will have a larger A4 version available at the AGM.
Currently we are running a raffle of a lovely painting painted by Thea & donated by Thea & Jack Lokkers. It will be drawn on the 2nd last Sunday before the Christmas break up. The tickets are 1 for $2.00 & 3 for $5.00.
Birthdays for this weekend: Mrs. Alice Roos. However, if I have missed anyone - have a very Happy Birthday - gefeleciteerd met je verjaardag.
I have been told that Henny Spee is Ok and if anyone is not feeling well, we wish you our very best & get well soon. Membership draw:
Last Sunday's draw of $10.00 was not taken up by Mrs. Ria Smit so for this Sunday it will climb to $20.00.
Nog eventjes een mopje: 'Ik heb tegen mijn geloofde gezegd, dat ik hem niet meer wil zien,' zegt het meisje tegen haar vriendin. 'En wat zei hij toen?' vraagt de vriendin. 'Niks,' zegt ze boos, 'hij trok alleen de dekens over zijn hoofd.'
During a visit to my doctor, I asked him, "How do you determine whether or not an older person should be put in an old age home?" "Well," he said, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the person to empty the bathtub." "Oh, I understand," I said. "A normal person would use the bucket because it is bigger than the spoon or the teacup." "No" he said. "A normal person would pull the plug.
Do you want a bed near the window?" So, there you have it-as it is goodnight from him and goodnight from me. Groetjes van Gerry President Dutch Club Neerlandia/Sydney 1 Grattan Crescent Frenchs Forest 2086 PO Box 64 Forestville NSW 2087 www.dasneerlandia.org We are affiliated with the Dutch Societies of NSW Incorporated, check us out on: www.dutch federation.com.au